Friday, January 8, 2010

What a chore!

Today's blog is not funny, thought provoking or creative. It is about my Friday. I woke up at 4:40am. On my way out the door at 5:03 the phone rang (which scared the CRAP out of me) and informed us that schools were running on a 2 hr delay. I briefly spoke with Don to make sure that was okay with his schedule and out the door I went. I taught a "race day" cycle class at 5:30am, and then after doing some office work, taught 2 water classes from 8:30-10:30. I had a meeting until 12, left by 1 and headed to Walmart to get some groceries. I arrived home at 2pm and unpacked in time to go meet the school bus. Only the bus never came. We got a call that the bus had a flat tire, so I jumped in the car with my friend Barbara and we picked the kids up. We arrived home around 2:45, and I cleaned out the fridge and freezer with Brady and Delaney's "help". It took 2 ridiculous hours, and sadly, picture number 1 is the finished product! We then headed off to basketball, and had dinner. It is now 8:30 pm, and the laundry is still not away, the Christmas decor is still all over the diningroom, and I am not sure if I have any clean white socks for tomorrow. But we are going to settle in to the family room now and watch a movie. It is important to remember the important things, and as long as I take care of those, I am doing alright.....right?

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