Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Party's Over

So, this is where I spent the better part of my last day of Christmas vacation. I camped out in my pjs next to the fireplace in my livingroom, and dedicated about 5 hours to planning the next 2 weeks of Spin classes. I will be teaching 6 of these classes this week, and want to make sure that the workouts are varied, effective, and FUN. You will see my trusty itunes account, which is home to 10,000 songs. Funny, that with all of those to choose from, I probably pull from the same 200 on a regular basis, and lately I have been trying to get in some Lady GaGa whenever I can....(LOVE HER) So there you have the tricks of my, heart rate training zone book, tons of paper, and index cards to hold the final product. I came up with three new classes, and feel ready to start a great year at the Y.
I also teach at one of the local schools every Monday afternoon, so I have yet to tweak the Zumba class that I am doing there tomorrow, but that should only take a little bit of time. Then there is my weekly water exercise class, which does not require music, and therefore is a snap to profile. With all of the craziness of school and activities starting up again tomorrow, I felt that it was time well spent to plan ahead so that I can take whatever else comes my way.

The girls had their buds over to play with their American Girl dolls and to plan their Halloween costumes. We overheard them discussing who was going to be which Spice Girl...yikes. Rory asked if we could go shopping for her costume, and we replied, "Sure, in OCTOBER." Too funny.

Brady is captured today doing what has become more frequent...EATING. "Mom, I'm starving" is becoming a daily chant, second only to "Do we have any more batteries for the Wii remote?" I am in for quite a ride with these kids!
And so, the sun begins to set here in Sedgleyland.

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