Monday, January 11, 2010

Keep on Walking

More and more lately I have been noticing that I am THE only one who picks up anything that is out of place and returns it to where it belongs.  My "housemates"  have all mastered the art of walking past folded towels, stuffed animals, a sock, piece of paper, plastic cup, the list goes on and on and on!  Brady got two dvds for Christmas that have been at the top stairs on the ledge since December 26th......(note today's date)   Every day, these dvds are walked past, and no one has thought to carry them down the 20 something steps, and put them in the dvd drawer.  When standing at the top of these stairs, you could actually lean on the dvds, and gaze down at where they belong!  But alas, I live with the kings and queens of  "keep on walking". 
While the kids were getting ready for bed, I came up the stairs to check on their progess.  I immediately noticed that the dvds were not in their resting place!  Wow, amazing, right?    I caught my astonished breath, only to note that at some point today, they were knocked down, and obviously, could not be picked up.  I mean, that could be dangerous, someone may pull something important!  As if that did not bother me enough, note how even the dog has learned to ignore things!  I mean really, dogs usually sniff and check out everything!  So it continues, not a sniff, stare or acknowledgement by anyone.  Let's see how long it stays there.  I'll be hanging with the dogs.


  1. Have fun with this one! When you find a cure, please let me know. Bunch of f-ing kings and queens around this house too.

  2. royalty is plentiful around here!
