Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Ready or Not?!

"Putting our best foot forward in 2010"

I am not sure what exactly Rory was drinking, but she was up with us until 3:30am!

Wow, a new year and a new thing added to my list of things to do. To post a photo each day in 2010 to capture our year. Where will the days of 2010 take us? What will our happiest day look like? When will our saddest and most trying time occur? There are many unknowns as we embark upon another year. I look forward to another year of watching my children grow, sharing many laughs and attempting to make others happy. I am continually overwhelmed and saddened by the speed in which my children are growing up. They are becoming more and more independent, and as much as I am proud of their milestones, they are bittersweet. Just today, Delaney finally has a genuine loose tooth. She has been hoping for one FOREVER, as she is always trying to catch up to Brady and Rory. Knowing her personality, she will probably pop it out as soon as she is able. That will certainly qualify for a picture on this blog!
We began preparing for 2010, by saying farewell to 2009 with our best friends in NC. As luck would have it, we have been able to find folks as crazy as we are. We have shared many great times with our North Carolina "framily" (friends that are family) and this night was no exception. There may not have been quite as many laughs as some of our other get togethers, however the night was a memorable one.
We gathered at Chris and AnneMarie's, in our most appropriate pajamas, at 7pm, (yes Barbara, we did not secretly meet an hour earlier) and the appetizers and beverages were plentiful. I was given the esteemed task of whipping up cosmos. The jury is still out on whether or not I will keep that job in the future.......
Before the clock struck 12, we saw the dining room table crash to the floor, a gummy bear stick to the ceiling, glass end up in the appetizers and feet covered in hummus. What a way to say farewell to 2009!
The kids had fun as usual, and the grownups managed to play a few rounds of catchphrase. As I loaded some of the pictures on the computer today to find one for this blog, I am not clear why we photographed Don's foot. It has made the cut as one of the first pics on this blog, and perhaps before this year ends, I will remember the reason behind the photo's origin.
We gathered at 11:30 today, to enjoy a "Carb-o-licious" brunch at the Shraga's house. Most of the New Year's Eve participants managed to attend, and we pieced the night together, and it felt great to spend the first day of the new year with "the usual suspects".
Before the brunch ended, a disturbing phone call brought us all back to reality. A co-worker was found dead this morning, and our usual loud crowd was suddenly silent and reflected on how one never knows where our next breath will take us.
So it is my intent to cherish each moment that I am given in 2010. I will take the time to stop and shoot! To forever remember these moments in my life - not just the posed and pretty, but the puke and pouting too.
Like the flash of a camera these moments are gone, so I will smile when I can, but will do my best to remember it all.